
2024/08/30 英國UCAS申請系統statement項目重大變革

英國學士申請系統UCAS將有重大調整,2025年9月起,以往篇幅限制4000字元以內的Personal Statement將改為3題問答。

之前的研究顯示,有近8成的申請者認為寫4000字元以內的Personal Statement是困難的或很困難,而新的3題問答則受到7成5以上的受訪者青睞,超過8成的人認為這些問題簡單易懂。 3個問答題及其寫作重點如下👇

🔹Why do you want to study this course or subject? 選擇科系的動機
This is an applicant’s opportunity to showcase their passion for and knowledge of their chosen subject, to demonstrate to universities and colleges why they are a good fit, and to outline any future ambitions.

🔹How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject? 過去的資歷 (學科, 證照, 技術... 等等) 對申請科系的幫助
In this section applicants can describe relevant or transferable skills they’ve gained in education, and demonstrate their understanding of how these will help them succeed in their chosen course or subject area.

🔹What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences helpful? 課外活動跟申請科系的相關性
Here applicants can reflect on their personal experiences, and any other activities they have undertaken outside their education to further demonstrate their suitability for the course.


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